Just now I kept hearing this very high, quick sound and thought my hearing aid was broken- figured out it's my nose making a slight whistle! My boyfriend says I'm not allowed to stamp on the moulds to get new pink ones ;-)
I tried the new directional program last night and it seemed ok, though I changed from my usual seat and sat in the corner next to John and opposite my friends, plus I was quite tipsy so I'm not sure if my opinion is accurate!
The occlusion is bothering me lately, I can't hear myself speak as clearly with them in, and I'm sure I'm hearing better in my right ear. My mum says I'm focusing on it too much. When I take out my aids (eg in the pub to get the condensation out of the tubes) it feels like I'm talking really loudly- but people say it's normal volume- so I talk quieter without them. This is probably why people have always said I talk quietly sometimes and mumble.
Hi. Do you have air vents in your ear moulds at all. I have small vents in mine and it's something I find that helps me.